Supply Chain Consultancy

Do you have a project that needs to be picked up or someone who needs to be replaced temporarily? We will gladly help you

Supply Chain Consultancy & Interim

Companies are constantly subject to change. New customers join, customers leave, your logistics service providers change, there are changes in your volumes, suppliers, products and customer requirements. The combination of all these changes will eventually lead to an inefficient supply chain. To keep this supply chain optimal, we offer supply chain optimisation, or also called supply chain consultancy.

We can help you with all projects touching on warehousing, transport and transport costs. This can be done on a project basis as well as on an interim basis. Below, we outline some of the areas of expertise in which we can support you in supply chain consultancy.

Supply chain optimisation. "It's running", we often hear in conversations. Yes, but is it still running optimally?

We distinguish ourselves with knowledge and experience combined with our software tools. Above all, our approach is concrete and pragmatic. We will be happy to discuss your supply chain challenges with you and explain, without obligation, how we can support you with data-driven analyses.

Warehousing Footprints

With our expertise and software, we help you with all your warehousing challenges. For instance, we bring together your transport flows and customer requirements, analyse qualitatively and quantitatively the optimal locations of your warehouses and help negotiate warehousing rates. But you can also come to us for urgent storage solutions when the need arises, for instance.

Transport & Logistics Management

If required, we can support you with transport and logistics challenges on an interim basis. Think of projects such as: writing and implementing new logistics policies, managing daily operations, implementing a TMS or WMS, centralising or decentralising your logistics or implementing your tenders in your own systems or ours.


Transport and logistics; what is our strategy, sustainable or not, stock optimisation or quick delivery to the customer, what exactly do we want? We help you with a fresh outside view to get the answers to these questions in focus. We interview all relevant stakeholders inside and outside your company. Using our software, we analyse your transport profile and identify opportunities and threats. Together with all stakeholders, we determine strategy. If required, we can develop this into concrete project plans and/or supervise their implementation.

Supply Chain Re-design

Transport and logistics; what is our strategy, sustainable or not, stock optimisation or quick delivery to the customer, what exactly do we want? We help you with a fresh outside view to get the answers to these questions in focus. We interview all relevant stakeholders inside and outside your company. Using our software, we analyse your transport profile and identify opportunities and threats. Together with all stakeholders, we determine strategy. If required, we can develop this into concrete project plans and/or supervise their implementation.

50 tips how to directly 30% at can save transport costs

Want to learn more about optimising or managing transport? We tell you more in our transport guide!

  • Minimising transport costs
  • Gaining insights into current transport costs
  • Key knowledge & trends in the market
  • Making logistics smarter and more efficient

Check out our blogs for more in-depth information

Any questions?
We can be reached!

Response within one working day

We distinguish ourselves with market knowledge and experience combined with our software tools.

Above all, our approach is concrete and pragmatic.

Contact us without obligation

We distinguish ourselves with market knowledge and experience combined with our software tools. Above all, our approach is concrete and pragmatic. We would be happy to discuss your challenges with you and explain, without obligation, how we can support you with our data-driven analyses and/or software applications.