Control Tower Service
Full service and continuously improving your freight practices
- Full service
- Transport management
- Continuous improvement
- Invoice control
- Relationship management
Independent Control Tower
The Logistics Control Tower concept is trending. It simplifies transport by allowing one partner to organize and control all shipments. However, the danger lies in underlying interests and lack of transparency, which can result in sub-optimization and higher (hidden) costs for shippers. Our experts are happy to provide more insight into the pitfalls!
At Transinnovate, we do things differently! We can genuinely claim to offer a completely independent Control Tower Service. We do not own any vehicles and never make commission agreements with carriers! We combine the best of both worlds – a tender service with all the possibilities of our TMS. We monitor whether the agreements are being upheld, check invoices, and report savings and opportunities. Whether you want to be fully or partly relieved, we offer tailored services. Transparency is the magic word for your Control Tower!

Organizing Freight
Effective management starts with effective organization. Your shipment profile may change, the market may change, and the networks of carriers may change as well. It is essential to keep the mix of carriers relevant, with competitive market rates for the service you require. If necessary, we can carry out a tendering process as part of our control tower support. Our independent position ensures that we 100% focus on the interests of our client. For more information, see Transport Tendering.
Managing Freight
After organizing freight via a tender, managing it becomes essential. Our TMS is capable of collaborating with carriers from a single environment. The application provides instant insight into which shipment should be sent with which carrier. The application also provides daily insight into the total costs and other actions, allowing important decisions to be made based on data. With our solution, our clients seamlessly collaborate with any desired logistics service provider, where necessary, we support and take work off their hands. For more information, see TMS-software.

Some benefits
- Customized Control Tower
- Full service
- Continuous savings and improvement
- Save time
- Management reporting
- Carrier relationship management
- Invoice control
Guaranteed savings in time and cost!
Because we have no agreements with carriers, we have no preference. The interest of our clients is our top priority.
Transparency is the key when it concerns Control Towers. Full insight into processes, costs, savings, potential, invoices and our added value
Save time
Let us handle the aspects that require attention. We’ll take care of the necessary tasks, allowing you to focus on other important matters.
Continuous improvement
We provide a relevant mix of carriers, current and competitive rates. Continuously optimize in costs and quality.
Quick set-up
How quickly can we start? Each project is different. Depending on the desired set-up, we can start within one week up to three months.
Personal dashboard
As part of our Control Tower solution, we provide all users with a personalized dashboard that can be easily customized with a variety of useful widgets to meet their specific needs.
Integration with carriers
Using our TMS in your Control Tower solution means that you get direct access to any desired carrier through an API.
Invoice control
Full insight in all invoices and (additional) costs of the carriers used for your shipments. We take care of invoice control and in case of any discrepancies, we proactively handle dispute resolution.
Because our Control Tower is tailor-made, we will always adjust our service to your exact needs. This may be convenient when organisational changes are relevant.
50 tips on how to save 30% on transportation costs immediately.
Looking to gain more knowledge in optimizing or managing transportation? In our transport guide, we provide you with:
- Tips for immediately saving costs on your current transportation.
- A wireframe to help you gain control and insight into your current transportation data per shipment.
- Insights into knowledge and developments within the transportation industry.

Feel free to reach out!
We will respond within one business day
We distinguish ourselves with market knowledge and experience combined with our software tools
Our approach is concrete and pragmatic
Feel free to reach out
- Transinnovate Group BV
- Leidse Schouw 2
- 2408 AE Alphen aan den Rijn
We distinguish ourselves with knowledge and experience in combination with our software tools. Our approach is above all concrete and pragmatic. We would be happy to discuss your challenges with you and explain without obligation how we can support you with our data-driven analyzes and/or software applications.
Frequently asked questions
A logistics control tower provides control, insight, and overview of all your transportation activities through a single platform. By streamlining all processes on one platform, data is standardized, enabling data-driven decision-making. With a control tower, you can continually strive for improvements in costs, service, and sustainability.
In simple terms, what is a logistics control tower?
A logistics control tower provides control, insight, and overview of all your transportation activities through a single platform. By streamlining all processes on one platform, data is standardized, enabling data-driven decision-making. With a control tower, you can continually strive for improvements in costs, service, and sustainability.
What does control tower support cost?
It is difficult to provide a specific price in advance because it strongly depends on expectations regarding the control tower. For example, maintaining diesel surcharges in the TMS can be offered at relatively low costs. However, tasks such as periodic tendering, rate maintenance, reporting, invoice auditing, etc., vary widely in price depending also on the size of the company. Feel free to contact us if you would like to discuss more details. We are ready to discuss your specific needs and present a tailor-made solution.
What does Transinnovate mean by control tower support?
With our Transportation Management System (TMS), you effectively act as your own control tower. A TMS offers complete visibility through transparent and universal data, allowing you to maintain control. Optimizing your transportation organization requires time and attention. Critical aspects include managing rates, diesel surcharges, data analysis, carrier invoice audits, report creation, communication with carriers, periodic tender processes, etc. If your company seeks relief, we offer tailor-made support. The result is continuous, data-driven improvement. Through our control tower support, you clearly see (based on data) the impact on your operations.
What is the difference between a logistics control tower from Transinnovate and a logistics service provider (4PL)?
Het onderscheid ligt in het feit dat wij geen eigen vervoersmiddelen bezitten en volledig transparant en onafhankelijk opereren. Onze klanten betalen rechtstreeks de facturen van vervoerders en een helder bedrag voor onze dienstverlening, hierdoor zijn de werkelijke kosten van de transportoperatie volledig duidelijk. In het geval van een 4PL die de facturatie overneemt, ontbreekt volledige transparantie, waardoor het uiteindelijk onzeker is of zij werkelijk doorberekenen wat betaald is of wat het transport hen daadwerkelijk kost. Bovendien worden soms eigen vrachtwagens van de logistiek dienstverlener ingezet, wat niet altijd het verstandigste is om te doen. Er zijn dus andere belangen die spelen als een vervoerder de rol van control tower overneemt. Ons concept draait om volledige transparantie in transportkosten, duidelijkheid over de kosten van onze dienstverlening, en onze meerwaarde in de vorm van continue verbeteren.
How does Transinnovate start setting up a logistics control tower?
Often, we observe a limitation in available data, which is essential for an effective organisation of the shippers freight operation. Our process usually begins by implementing transportation management software through our own TMS. We choose our alpha-TMS for two reasons: alpha can be operational within days and is cost-effective (with a guarantee) compared to similar providers with the same functionality. With alpha-TMS, we achieve our jointly formulated goals within the shortest possible time. Using one integrated platform gives us complete insight into all freight data, providing a solid foundation for further optimisations. A tender often follows (although it can sometimes be the other way around, starting with tendering and then transitioning to alpha-TMS). We present the best carriers that fit your profile and negotiate agreements together with you. If no new partnerships are desired, we can also start optimising existing partnerships. Through alpha-TMS, we maintain control over operations and initiate a continuous improvement process. With our control tower concept, we can take over every aspect of transportation management.
I already have a TMS, can Transinnovate help with control tower support?
Absolutely, that is certainly possible. Even if you are already using an existing TMS, we can support you with control tower support. In this case, it may be necessary for our experts to be trained in the use of new systems. Usually, our lead consultants will set up the control tower, set targets, and document processes. Once the control tower is operational, management is transferred to our back-office team for tasks such as invoice audits, support, data analysis, reporting, etc. At significant milestones, such as tenders, our consultants come back into the picture. This way, we ensure the efficiency of your control tower at the most cost-effective rates.
What is the importance of transparency in a logistics control tower?
Transparency is crucial in a logistics control tower, especially because a shipper wants to maintain control over transportation and associated costs. When a company providing control tower support also takes over invoicing, the shipper loses insight into what is actually paid for transportation or what it costs when part of it is managed with its own trucks. Additionally, choices for selected carriers often remain unclear, with potential hidden interests, such as receiving a percentage of each shipment assigned to a specific carrier. For these reasons, transparency in a logistics control tower is not only relevant but crucial. It ensures fairness, clarity, and the ability for the shipper to make informed decisions.
What objectives (KPIs) are relevant in a logistics control tower?
Typically, objectives (KPIs) revolve around costs, service, and sustainability. However, the importance of these three aspects may vary by company. When implementing a control tower, we set a minimum of 3 and a maximum of 5 KPIs for each of these 3 categories. Throughout the time we manage the control tower, these KPIs are measured, and results are reported periodically. There is room for adjusting and renewing KPIs and goals during the agreement’s term, in joint consultation. This way, we can continue to strive for optimal performance that aligns with the evolving needs of the company.
How is sustainability measured by Transinnovate?
Measuring CO2 emissions is still in the early stages. While some FTL carriers can already accurately report emissions for each transport, this is not yet possible for most shipments. This is because LTL and groupage shipments are often handled by different carriers, with various vehicles and engine types, between different stops (cross-docks) to their final destination, which does not happen in a straight line. Due to the many links and the lack of standardised reporting in the market, measuring actual emissions is challenging. Our approach is based on reporting an estimated value. We use the kilometres from the TMS and, based on kilograms, determine an emission value per shipment using tiers per modality or trailer type. Then we report on increases, decreases per modality, smart combinations made, etc. While 100% accuracy is not yet possible, it is currently the best approach for reporting emissions until a watertight standard is implemented in the market.
Can I perform certain aspects of the logistics control tower myself?
Yes, that is certainly possible. With our TMS, you are essentially fully capable of functioning as a control tower yourself. If desired, we can train your team so they know exactly what it takes to manage a well-functioning control tower and continually improve it. Rather let us take over part of the work, of course that is possible. We provide customization in all our services to align with your specific needs and capabilities.