
Want to know how shippers can actively reduce emissions from their transport footprint?

Sustainable Transport Procurement & Organisation

Sustainability in transport lies largely with carriers. But shippers too can actively reduce their CO2 emissions from transport. Much more is possible than asking your logistics providers for ISO 14001 certification. The subject of sustainability is becoming an increasingly important aspect in purchasing, organising and managing transport. It is also a spearhead in our services to shippers. 

We will be happy to tell you how to make sustainability part of your transport operations and where Transinnovate can support.

Need help?

Transinnovate can put you in touch with service providers that ideally fit your mission profile and CO2 targets. We can also ensure that your objectives are included in tender documentation and/or operational processes. In addition, we can help analyse and advise on consolidation of your shipment profile or warehousing strategy, from a sustainability perspective. Our TMS for shippers provides data and insight into CO2 emissions and can highlight savings opportunities. 

Would you like a no-obligation sparring session on how best to incorporate sustainability into your transport operation with realistic targets? Then feel free to get in touch. 

Sustainable transport options


Shippers can reduce their CO2 emissions by selecting logistics providers whose network matches the shipper's shipment profile. This leads to fewer (partly) empty trucks. Less CO2 (fewer kilometres driven) often also means lower transport costs. Just make sure you give your carriers the same requirements in terms of equipment, to make a fair comparison.


When buying transport, set requirements for the equipment your logistics provider uses. Using the cleanest Euro 6 engines reduces emissions from 2 grams per kilometre to 0.4 grams compared to Euro 5-class engines. More hydrogen/electric trucks are also hitting the road. Set targets and KPIs with your logistics service providers and make them part of your periodic consultations. 


If speed is not the top priority, other, cleaner modes may be of interest. Transport by (electric) barges, short sea or by train are becoming increasingly accessible. Note, however, that this does not automatically lead to lower emissions. Material, distance and capacity utilisation also play a role. We can inform you about the alternatives, a fair comparison and relevant KPIs.

Optimising the transmission profile

Depending on the type of goods and preconditions for inventory management, you may want to discuss with your customers and suppliers whether consolidating shipments (fewer but larger shipments) is opportune. We can help you analyse and obtain the relevant transport data.

Warehouse footprint

For larger shippers, choosing warehouse locations smartly (opening, moving or closing) has a beneficial effect on reducing emissions and therefore usually lower logistics costs. We can help with the complex analyses required in such a project, based on insight into your transport data.

Horizontal cooperation

A collaboration with other shippers in your area can also improve sustainability. It is then important that the shipment profile, type of goods and service requested should match. There are also logistics service providers working together horizontally to complement each other's network, which has a positive impact on emissions and costs.

50 tips how to directly 30% at can save transport costs

Want to learn more about optimising or managing transport? We tell you more in our transport guide!

  • Minimising transport costs
  • Gaining insights into current transport costs
  • Key knowledge & trends in the market
  • Making logistics smarter and more efficient

Check out our blogs for more in-depth information

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Above all, our approach is concrete and pragmatic.

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We distinguish ourselves with market knowledge and experience combined with our software tools. Above all, our approach is concrete and pragmatic. We would be happy to discuss your challenges with you and explain, without obligation, how we can support you with our data-driven analyses and/or software applications.